Sunday, May 16, 2010

One year down the road and my life's changed quite a lot.

I used to think I couldn't lead; now, I still can't lead but I'm fortunate to have people who believe I can.

I used to hate Facebook so much as well, but had to get into learning its evil ways.

I started hatin' the Modern Warfare franchise (the way it's being marketed, not the game) because of Activision, and if it gets really bad I might start hatin' Activision itself. I realise that the way Infinity Ward is now isn't because IW sucked, but because Activision sucked.

And now I'm posting. Why? I don't really know. Those who know me knows I don't really blog that much lol, so I must either be 1. bored or 2. really lost.

I'm feeling a bit of both but thankfully I ain't in a depressive mood =X

So here's the week in a bit of a recap.

Japanese class: As usual, I'm loving it... and hating it. Did I ever say I don't like people stopping me from hearing what the teacher says? Well, that's the reason I sit in the left side of the room most of the time.

If this gets any worse I might ask to change seats with Jun Wei. LOL.

Principles of Game Design: Another day that prompts me to say "I want to be a future game designer... but first I must become a tech director". It's just so cool to conceptualise games rather than think of how to fit the conceptualisation into coding. But with the market as saturated as it is now, I am fully aware there's only 2 paths to walk in this industry.

1. Make the story fucking cool and original, something that will initiate a whole slew of other games, spin-offs, and movies and comics rather than the other way around. There's too many video games out there that cashes in on the industry (see Iron Man the Game, Harry Potter games etc) and that kind of sickens me. Fallout 3 is just part of the same franchise, and that's something that to me, a video games diehard, something that should happen more often in the industry but often doesn't.

2. Make the gameplay fucking cool and original. See: Braid.

Programming Physics: Cool cats (both teachers) are cool. Physics is cool.

Advanced Comp G + Game Dev Techniques:
Copy-paste lessons for now. Zzz.

Mobile Games Programming:

ICA Comms Skills 2: Must... take it... seriously... (collapses)